Are Fireplaces Energy Efficient?
The energy efficiency of a fireplace entirely depends on what type of fireplace you have. They can be very inefficient, and some aren’t going to match a modern natural gas furnace. However, depending on the fireplace you have, they can get the job of warming a room up done. Here’s what you need to know.
Traditional Wood-Burning Fireplace
A traditional fireplace is highly inefficient. Just 15% of the wood’s energy you are burning is converted into heat that enters your living space. The vast majority of heat is lost due to heat rising through your chimney. However, there have been advances in fireplace design that have improved this to efficiency ratings of 75% or more. This includes Rumford fireplaces, which reflect heat into the room it’s in.
There are also EPA-qualified fireplaces that are designed to pull in air from outside the home and use it for combustion. They circulate indoor air around the fire so that as much heat as possible enters into the living space. Another benefit is that they are better for the environment as they don’t cause pollution.
To increase efficiency, you can use a fireplace insert. A fireplace insert is a sealed metal box that fits inside a traditional fireplace opening. Inserts use outdoor air and are designed to burn wood and pellets. The area they heat is rated at 80% efficiency and above.
Natural Gas Fireplaces
A natural gas fireplace can be of two types. There is the direct-vent gas type, which uses outside air for combustion. Its energy efficiency rating can range as high as 77%. Another type of natural gas fireplace is vent-free gas fireplaces. This is more energy efficient as it doesn’t send exhaust outside. However, it does result in a lot of moisture being created, which is then sent into your home.
The HVAC Company to Call
If you live near Belleville, Ontario, Quinte Air Supply is the company to call for your heating needs. We offer cooling, heating, and commercial refrigerating needs. We are a family-owned business that has been serving customers for more than 30 years.
Please call Quinte Air Supply with any questions today.